Shabbat is a gift. Set apart from the constant movement of the workweek, Shabbat is an island of rest and inner-peace. It gives focus and revitalizes the spirit. In fact, it is often said, "More than the Jews keep Shabbat, Shabbat keeps the Jews." It is a time where all Jews can come together in a celebration of all that was accomplished during the week, all that is to come in the week ahead, and the oneness that propels us through it all.
At the Chabad House you can feel the spirit of Shabbat like nowhere else. Friday night dinner is more than simply a delicious, homemade, 4-course feast. It is sprinkled with song and dance, Jewish insight and wisdom, and the opportunity to mingle with fellow students from all traditions. Always growing in popularity, Shabbat at Chabad is an experience you cannot miss - The Brandeis Hoot listed attending a Shabbat dinner at Chabad as a must-do prior to graduation.
Follow @chabadclubdeis on Instagram for updated Shabbat dinner or email chanie[at]